Yesterday was an eventful day for little Jax, but not one that we ever really wanted to happen..... Jax has been really sick this winter, but as of last Friday he has been diagnosed with Influenza(which is much different from any flu I have ever had!) and has been soooo sick! I noticed on Monday he wasn't improving and decided to take him back to the Dr. on Tuesday. He had developed a nasty little cough, that sounded different from any cough he has had in the past. Dr Wilcox told us to immediately take him to the hospital (at 5pm Tuesday night) to have x-rays taken of his lungs, and two hours later he called back to let us know Jax has Pneumonia. The scariest word I have heard out of a doctors mouth! Fortunately , he said he thinks we caught it at an early enough stage, and it should be able to be treated with antibiotics, but if not its off to the hospital! So far he seems to be in good spirits, and is doing well, so hopefully we are on the up and up!